NGO Fair--Phnom Penh

30-31 March 2001

CDPO booth at the NGO fairEvery year the NGO community holds an NGO fair to give the local and international non-governmental organizations a chance to advertize their work and promote the goals of their groups. It is quite an interesting event with a very wide variety of groups represented. This year the fair was held in the courtyard around the Chaktamouk cultural theatre along the river.

In the photo above of the CDPO booth, the young man, a deaf teacher, and the young woman, an interpreter trainee, explain Khmer sign language to a visitor. The Cambodian Disabled People's Organization booth was focused entirely on the group's deaf program, and a large number of deaf people worked throughout both days of the fair. Photocopied pages of sign language were available as handouts and proved to be very popular.

Drinking water booth run by the deaf peopleThe CDPO deaf group also volunteered to run a small service booth which handed out bottles of drinking water to thirsty visitors. They did a brisk business all day long because of the oppressive heat.

Especially pleasing were the large number of booths dealing with human rights, legal assistance, and peace-making. The University of San Francisco even had a booth, showcasing their legal assistance and training program here in Cambodia.