Trip to Thailand
and United States

July-August, 2009

20 July 2009 (Monday)

Today was a catch-up day, following up all the e-mails that came in over the weekend and writing thank-you e-mails to the wonderful people at Sacred Heart Church in Pinehurst.  In the afternoon I went over to the seminary building and first met with Dr. Eva Anderson who is updating my vaccinations, then meeting with the vocations department, and then doing a little grocery shopping in Ossining.
Deacon Steven DeMartino (center) has been the director of the Maryknoll Associate Priest program for the past eight months.  Fr. Dennis Moorman is the director of the vocations effort for the Maryknoll Priests and Brothers. Today they met with Charlie Dittmeier to discuss his contract renewal.
Charlie Dittmeier, Steven DeMartino, and Dennis Moorman
Carolyn Ouellet is a lay missionary working with the Salesian Sisters and she has been assigned to Cambodia.  Today she and Charlie Dittmeier met to talk about Cambodia and the work she will be doing in a training school for young women in Phnom Penh.
Carolyn Ouellet