Trip to United States

5 June to 7 July 2011

22 June 2011

Today I spent the morning catching up on e-mail and preparing the church bulletin for next weekend, and then in the afternoon and evening I was on the road making contact with people I wanted to see.

My first stop in the afternoon was at the home of my cousin Judith and her husband Bob where I usually stay at least part of my time in Louisville.  Here Judith is preparing some binders of family history she will give to each branch of the family at a reunion on Saturday.
Cousin Judith working on family history
In the evening I had dinner with several sign language interpreters I have worked with over the years.  Just as I left the restaurant, the car radio announced that a tornado had been spotted and was heading for the area where I was so I turned around and went into a mall for shelter.  Here are some of the people waiting out the storm near an interior corridor of the mall.  Four tornadoes actually touched down in the neighborhood.
People sheltering from a tornado